5 Tips to Make Your Smartphone’s Battery Last Longer

Owning a smartphone isn’t cheap. Most of us use half or all our savings just to get a decent smartphone. 

And we do spend a lot of our time using our smartphones: from scrolling, social media, and browsing to online shopping, emails, and online navigation. 

These minor activities take up a lot of your smartphone’s battery, ultimately draining it to its last breath after which we keep it hooked to the charger just to start all over again. 

Black Android Smartphone on Table

However, there may be some steps that you can follow to prevent the smartphone’s battery from draining so fast. We have listed five of the easiest steps you can follow to prolong your smartphone’s battery. 

Adjust the Screen’s Brightness

Smartphones nowadays have bigger screens. And the bigger the screen is, the more battery life it burns. Most of the time we don’t even need the smartphone’s brightness turned up to the highest setting. Why not turn it down?

Go to the display settings in your smartphone and turn down the brightness of the screen. Or you can pull down the menu (or pull up the menu, if you are using iPhone/iPad) and manage the brightness from there. It will massively save the phone’s battery. 

Also, disable the auto-brightness. While this feature adjusts the screen’s brightness based on your perceived needs, it can also turn it up higher than you need it. Turn on the adaptive brightness though, as it will be helpful for the phone’s battery. 

Turn Off WiFi/Bluetooth When Not Being Used

Another thing that drains your battery is keeping the WiFi and Bluetooth on when it is not being used. If you are moving about and not connected to the WiFi, do you really need to keep it on? Or if you are not utilizing the Bluetooth feature, why keep it on at all?

Keeping them both on can significantly affect your smartphone’s battery life. You can always turn on the Bluetooth when you need it to connect to other Bluetooth-enabled devices. Or the Wi-Fi feature again when you are back in your room again and need to connect to the home network connection. 

On a side note, make sure that the home network connection offers secure connectivity. You don’t want the wrong person hacking into your network and ultimately violating your smartphone’s privacy. If you are not satisfied with your current ISP, we recommend getting Xfinity internet for a reliable and secure internet today!

Keep Your Battery Charged but Only to an Extent

charging mobile

There was a time when we were advised to keep our phones charged till 100% or not to take the phone off the charger until it reached 100%. 

This doesn’t apply to today’s lithium-ion batteries. Whether you are an iPhone/iPad user or Android, you don’t need to charge your phone till 100%. 

Keep your phone charged between 20% to 80% i.e., don’t let it go below 20%, and don’t let it charge above 80% too frequently. You can also turn on the battery saving mode to conserve the charging power till the battery is low. 

Make sure not to leave the phone charging overnight, as it will lead to the phone’s battery overheating. 

Avoid Using Fast Charging

We aren’t suggesting that fast charging is a bad idea. It’s a great time saver. However, if you are focused on maximizing the battery life of your smartphone, we recommend saving the fast-charging options for emergencies only. 

Take your Android or iPad/iPhone device and connect it to a computer or laptop to charge the device at a much slower rate. There is a feature in iOS devices called optimized battery charging, which as the name suggests, ensures that battery charging follows an optimized pattern. This option slows down the battery aging by reducing the time spent on the phone being fully charged. 

Using the slow charging route will generate less heat since heat is one of the factors that can degrade the phone’s battery over a period. 

Turn Off the Location Services

A lot of apps in your smartphone request permission to use some features to be able to function properly. They may need permission to use the camera, phone, messaging, files, and even GPS.

For instance, Instagram needs a camera to access your phone’s camera when you take pictures, files to access the gallery in your phone, GPS to pin down your location, etc. However, there are some features that apps do not need all the time, or even not at all. Instagram doesn’t require your location at all times, which is why you have the option to not grant this feature to Instagram. 

Google Maps, however, relies on the phone’s GPS to pinpoint your location, which is why it will require this feature to be turned on at all times. 

Therefore, those apps that do not need the location feature to function, restrict their permission to use the phone’s GPS. This will also help to prevent your phone’s battery from being wasted. 

Final Words

Today our smartphones have bigger screens, heavier apps, frequent updates, and endless navigation, all of which can suck in the phone’s battery. 

But there are some ways you can extend the phone battery’s life by simply adjusting your settings and managing your phone-using habits. For more management tips for your favorite gadget, try optimizing your settings and exploring battery-saving features. Additionally, consider using rechargeable batteries for any gadget to help reduce waste and save money in the long run

Do you have any tips that you have been following to avoid draining the phone’s battery so fast? Let us know in the comments!

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